Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
To understand the significance of this post you have to understand the long-standing relationship between my husband and sluggacide. He is a bonafide slug serial killer. He would rejoice to see a slug at the doorstep and encourage our little ones to partake in his merciless ritual of "salting". Now for the pain: We all "salt" things for one reason or another. We watch seemingly insignificant things and events shrivel up and die because we pour the "salt" of negativity or doubt on them and wonder why our lives are not going anywhere (Although snails left alone move slowly they still move). I propose to you today that maybe we need to start using a dash of pepper-faith here and there to kick-start the growth and movement we are desiring to (or maybe even didn't know we could) experience in our lives. I know it seems perhaps I was pouring a little salt of my own on my spouse and his sinister doings, but you must know, all is not lost for HE sent me this clip! All I'm saying is: Never underestimate the potential of using that dash of spice in your life. Mix it up: The results could be life-altering. . .
Very good analogy. Do you have a link to the clip your husband sent you? You may want to include it in your post.
Hey Anon, There is a link below the actual clip that takes you to the main page and you can get the html code from there to put on blogs or whatever! Anyway, that's that!
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