There is such a plethora of wonderfabuloso ( I made that one up for you, Shell) blogs by women (and a few men too) out here that I don't think I'll ever really get to them all before I die. This week I would like to introduce all of you to Shell over at Things I Can't Say. I swear Shell just might be on to something: Hosting a blog that allows herself and others to say what's on their minds that they wouldn't actually or probably would hesitate to say out loud. I got chance to visit and post a little something on her page for her Pour Your Heart Out Segment because honestly the invitation was just so doggone sweet! I really wanted to share something, so I used a post from my "secret" blog. Shell, I gotta let you know that being the mother of three boys is a true calling and you and I just might be kindred spirits. I have lots of archives to prove it! Have your boys flushed Mega Bloks down the toilet yet just to see what would happen? Let me know when they do. . . One day I will post an updated picture of myself to show what happens when you are the mother of 3 boys in close succession. ;0) As always, please check out the blog and follow along if thou art so inclined as well as Shell's page on Facebook. I really hope everyone has gotten through the week semi-unscathed and is looking forward to a terrific weekend! Thanks for sharing who you are with us Shell, and Happy Blogging everyone!