There is such a plethora of wonderfabuloso ( I made that one up for you, Shell) blogs by women (and a few men too) out here that I don't think I'll ever really get to them all before I die. This week I would like to introduce all of you to Shell over at Things I Can't Say. I swear Shell just might be on to something: Hosting a blog that allows herself and others to say what's on their minds that they wouldn't actually or probably would hesitate to say out loud. I got chance to visit and post a little something on her page for her Pour Your Heart Out Segment because honestly the invitation was just so doggone sweet! I really wanted to share something, so I used a post from my "secret" blog. Shell, I gotta let you know that being the mother of three boys is a true calling and you and I just might be kindred spirits. I have lots of archives to prove it! Have your boys flushed Mega Bloks down the toilet yet just to see what would happen? Let me know when they do. . . One day I will post an updated picture of myself to show what happens when you are the mother of 3 boys in close succession. ;0) As always, please check out the blog and follow along if thou art so inclined as well as Shell's page on Facebook. I really hope everyone has gotten through the week semi-unscathed and is looking forward to a terrific weekend! Thanks for sharing who you are with us Shell, and Happy Blogging everyone!
I am a first time blogger. So help me along if I make mistakes. Something I have learned this week is that when confronted people really don't want to hear how you feel. They are usually just inteested in you seeing their actions their way. And even when you, being the bigger person apologize YOU/ your feelings are still left un acknowlegded. I do however Praise God for knowing that He is my comforter in all things. And with Christ I can do all things!!!! Thanks for listening
@ Anon: You know what? I think you are right. People generally don't want to hear how we feel about things for various reasons: it makes them uncomfortable or feel vulnerable, they may have to take responsibility for their own actions and not a few of us are willing to accept when we are wrong or play a part in wrong. Plus, you have to consider the relationship you have with the person, is it a true friendship or an acquaintance? A true friend will tell you the good as well as the bad about yourself and it is mutual. There is no one sided lambasting in a real friendship. It is still necessary, however, to tell even acquaintances how you feel especially if it someone you see on a regular or work with because an acquaintance is what I consider a frienemy on the fence. However, the point of sharing and expressing how we feel about a situation especially during conflict is to make it known how actions have affected one another although it doesn't guarantee a change or an apology if you were hurt. It only guarantees that you at least had your say. You may have to change the way you view the relationship with the person you have conflict with. It doesn't make a person bad to be an acquaintance if that's what the person genuinely is to you, but you then at least know how better to deal with that person because you don't have to invest as much emotionally or take everything personally. It does hurt to know that how you feel doesn't really matter when someone wants to be right but you can take comfort in knowing that you can have the victory in this situation because you did what God expected of you regardless of how the other person may or may not have responded. Whew! That's a lot I know, but I hope that what I have shared helps. By the way, I am so glad you decided to join in on the madness. God Bless and I hope to see you blogging in the near future :0)
Shell's blog is super cute. Thanks for keeping us informed of all the great blogs around. BTW I can't believe your keeping secrets from us ;)
@ Wanda: LOL! My "secret" blog is just the one that I don't have automatic emails sent from when I post. I really like Shell's blog too. I actually found it through one of Ella's Edge's friends, Erin at The Mother Load. As always, I love when you come to visit! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much! So very sweet! :)
What haven't my boys tried to flush down the toilet? SIGH.
@ Shell: Ha! I feel you. . . I am just so honoured that you would stop by and visit The Mad Hatter! I really enjoyed my visit to your "place" and you'll definitely see me from time to time. Have a great weekend!
wow. Thanks I did not think of looking at relationship as acquaintance versus Friendship. I guess I was hoping She/he was as much a friend to me as I thought I was to them. So thanks for that insight. God has worked things out and yes I now look at how I relate with him/her very diffrently now. Thanks again for your spiritual guidance.
Hey Anon! Glad I could help. I can't wait to see your new blog and I hope we can follow each other when it's up!
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