Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Introducing the Movie Mom

Movie Mom

Hi guys! I know it's been like a week since I've checked in, but I was trying to get my husband back off to work successfully (he's a teacher). It's one down and two to go (my boys start school next week)! Although summer is over, I'd like to introduce you to Nell Minow, the Movie Mom. I think that many of you would appreciate this Beliefnet blog on recent and current movie reviews as well as her mom's eye view on films and the things that are important to parents when looking for good entertainment.  She is very objective, candid, and systematic in her approach to grading and rating a film and she is my go-to gal for her take on a particular film.  Of course there are other websites out there like Kids-In-Mind which has a unique rating system for the frequency of certain thematic elements in movies and Rotten Tomatoes which combines professional critic consensus and public consensus to determine how popular a film is, however, as a mom, I really like Nell's site because sometimes I would prefer to see the big picture on a film and whether or not it would be a good choice for my family's entertainment. I like that fact that she not only lists movies new to theater, but also mentions new release DVD's.  It's like getting an opinion from a friend that has seen the movie first and knows how to tell me all the things about it my kids don't want me to know.  I can get a head's up so that I don't have any surprises when we pop the DVD in the player (which has happened lemme tell you).  For a fun treat, you can send in your questions on movies who's names you can't remember, but  can remember the decade, and some plot elements/memorable details. Nell is really good about finding the name of the films and the actors that play in them. Occasionally, she will even post a clip or two! I hope you get to check out the Movie Mom page and add it to your list of great sites!

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