Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Clay Babies

Hey Ya'll! I'm just checking in to let all of you know where I've been. As one lady of God put it, I'm making my way back from a "stint" down at the Potter's House and boy do I feel beat (buh dump CRASH, pun intended). I praise God for it though. The Lord had to (and still does have to) pound me a bit (as I tend to be semi dry and stubborn) twist me up (allow circumstances to unnerve me), water me down (with His Spirit) and throw me on the wheel(sanctify me). Just when I think I'm shaping up, God says, "Hmmmn, nope I'd better smash her down and do it again" (sanctify me some more) because He sees something else in me that is revealed as he smooths me out and up. I don't like that part so much! But what I do like is just how much God takes a vested interest in me that He wants to make me over and better than before: a vessel that is not only useful and gives due service but is also pleasant to use and look upon. I hope as you go through your own "stints" you'll remember just how much God loves the pretty and likes to make us a part of that process. Be blessed this week and say hello to the Potter when you get a moment :0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe I`ll be Captain Obvious, but... it's only few days to New Year last, so let's be happy!

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